Jewelbox‚Ñ¢ is Shareware. If after trying the game you think it's worth keeping, please pay the requested registration fee of $10 U.S. By doing this you'll have peace of mind knowing that you're legally using the program and you'll also be supporting future Jewelbox upgrades. As a registered Jewelbox user, you are eligible for free upgrades and will be notified when a new version of Jewelbox is available so you can download it from your favorite online service, BBS or archive site. For a $25 registration fee, I will send you a copy of Jewelbox on diskette via U.S. Mail whenever a new version is available.
Send your registration fee to the following address:
Rodney Jacks
Micro Imagineering
6104 John Chisum Lane
Austin, Texas 78749
If you would like to send bug reports or feedback, you can also reach me via electronic mail at one of the following addresses:
America Online: rodneyj3
If for whatever reason you decide not to register Jewelbox, I would really appreciate it if you would tell me why. Maybe you don't think the game is worth what I'm asking for it. Perhaps you would like to see some change or addition before you register. Whatever the reason, maybe we can work something out, so please let me know.